Our physical body is a perfect harmonious living bio-organism which is capable of regeneration and repair of cells the building blocks of organs and parts. Our body also has a perfect versatile mechanism to fight germs and viruses. So why this perfect machine does gets diseased. The Medical Science is finding the reasons in ‘psychosomatic” causes that we get diseased because of aberration caused by our behaviour that indulges in “Kaam, krodh, lobh, moh and ahankar”.
The behaviour connected with this has associated thoughts and emotions. We are angry, harbor resentments, and are hateful, stubborn, intolerant, jealous, lustful, impatient, egoist, guilty, shameful, covetous etc. in an endless way. These thoughts and emotions change the state of mind which gets reflected as disharmony in the body’s systems and mechanism. The distortion makes the body parts diseased.
we should not blame extraneous reasons; the blame is on our own karmic actions. What we sow we reap. We come to this world with a personality and thereafter it is the environment. Apart from genetic propensity our attitudes and susceptibility to get affected by subtle thoughts and beliefs of the persons we live with and those conveyed through lectures, TV and newspapers all play a part in shaping our thoughts and behaviour.
All this affect the body systems. All in all it is mainly our thoughts that are shaping our own reality – the effects on body and the circumstances of our life. Guru ji has clearly stated in ( Japji sahib) itself that ‘Akhar’ (words) are the cause that that writes our “Bhag” (destiny). What we think and what emotions we have gets reflected in our body’s physiology and cellular structure either by way of illness or health.
The modern medicine addresses the issue of diseased organs by treating the parts leaving the cause unattended hence the patient remains ill in one way or f also go for alternative holistic medicine treatment. They are beginning to realize need to change life style.
Changing one’s lifestyle or behaviour is found to be difficult by people. One just cannot ‘will’ the change.
The mind, thoughts and keeps our body in harmony and balance preventing disease.
But given the tricks of the mind controlling.